Lab Course Information
The School of Biological Sciences offers a number of laboratory courses throughout the academic year and summer session. Undergraduate laboratory courses promote student learning and understanding by providing students with safe, hands-on practice in experimental biology. Experimental learning provides a foundation for student success.
Undergraduate laboratory course policies and procedures differ from lecture courses in terms of enrollment, fees, and safety. Please carefully read the information below and take action as required.
Student Responsibility
Students MUST complete the online Biology Lab Safety Training and Assessment BEFORE the first lab meeting. See the section below, "Lab Safety Requirement", for further details.
Lab Enrollment, Drop & Attendance Policies
There are special regulations, procedures and deadlines associated with enrollment in biology lab courses.
The School of Biological Sciences follows university enrollment and electronic wait list processes for all lab courses, with the exception of the below School-specific policies directly related to biology lab courses.
- Students may enroll or wait list in a biology lab course using WebReg until the first scheduled class meeting; after the first scheduled class meeting the automated wait list will no longer run. At that time, the waitlists are frozen.
- Whether a student is enrolled or wait listed, attendance at the first scheduled lab meeting is mandatory.
- All students, whether enrolled or wait listed, must complete the online Lab Safety Training and pass the Lab Safety Assessment prior to the first scheduled lab meeting. See below for labs requiring assessment.
- After the first scheduled lab meeting, adding a lab course requires instructor and School approval through a preauthorization request via the UC San Diego Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). The School will only consider lab late adds through Friday of Week 2 (Friday of Week 1 for Summer) on a space available basis. Lab late adds are not guaranteed.
- Enrolled students who miss the first scheduled lab meeting, or do not pass the Lab Safety Assessment (if required), are responsible for dropping the lab course via Webreg, or risk receiving a non-passing grade in the lab course.
- Students who drop a biology lab course after the end of the second scheduled lab meeting will be assigned a "W" for the course. If the student already has a "W" in the course, the student will be re-enrolled in the lab. Per Academic Senate policy, a student may receive a maximum of one "W" per course. Students will be responsible for the lab fee associated with the particular lab course.
*Note - During Summer Session, students will not be eligible for a tuition refund if the lab is dropped after the second lab meeting. For more information regarding this policy, please contact Summer Session.
For further information, see the frequently asked questions about undergraduate lab course enrollment.
Lab Fees
Students who enroll in Biology lab courses are charged a lab fee which is assessed at the time of registration. Please see Instructional Materials/Laboratory Fees for additional information.
The current fees are as follows, but are subject to change without notice:
- BILD 4 $40
- BILD 70 $75
- BILD 75 zero
- BIBC 103 $75
- BIBC 151 $120
- BICD 101 zero
- BICD 123 $100
- BICD 145 $50
- BIEB 121 $50
- BIEB 123 $100
- BIEB 131 $50
- BIEB 135 zero
- BIEB 141 zero
- BIEB 143 zero
- BIEB 159 zero
- BIMM 101 $80
- BIMM 121 $90
- BIMM 143 zero
- BIMM 143R zero
- BIMM 149 zero
- BIMM 170 $145
- BIMM 185 zero
- BIPN 105 $120
- BIPN 145 $50
Students who drop a lab course before the end of the second lab meeting are eligible for a refund of the charged lab fee. Refunds are automatically processed by Student Financial Solutions.
In most lab courses, students will also be required to purchase lab coats, goggles and other safety equipment not covered by the lab fee.
Lab Safety Requirement
All students, enrolled or waitlisted, for the laboratory courses below are REQUIRED to demonstrate an understanding of general lab safety and UCSD Biology lab rules and policies. Completing the online Lab Safety Training and passing the Lab Safety Assessment fulfills this requirement.
Enrolled students who miss the first lab meeting, or do not pass the Lab Safety Assessment, will have their lab space revoked. It is the student's responsibility to drop the course or risk receiving a "W" or non-passing grade in the course.
- The Lab Safety Training and Assessment are available at any time, but the assessment will apply to a specific quarter.
- The assessment must be completed and passed BEFORE the first lab meeting. Plan ahead!
- The self-study training and assessment should take approximately 1-hour to complete.
- The assessment portion is timed. Students will have a maximum of 30-minutes to complete the assessment.
- Students may take the assessment as many times as it takes to pass but there may be a mandatory waiting period between attempts.
- Students will be certified once the assessment is passed. Certification information will be available to lab instructors for verification prior to the first class meeting.
- Certification is valid for one quarter.
Students who need accommodation to complete the Lab Safety Requirement (such as alternative test format or extra time) due to a documented disability must email [email protected] well before the start of the quarter. For accommodation other than completion of the Lab Safety Requirement, please see Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) Accommodation Information.
Extension (Concurrent Enrollment) Students
Email [email protected] as soon as possible to avoid any delay in your studies. Passing the safety assessment does not imply or guarantee enrollment in a lab course.
Biology Lab Courses Requiring the Lab Safety Assessment
- BILD 4
- BILD 51
- BILD 70
- BIBC 103
- BIBC 151
- BICD 101
- BICD 123
- BICD 145
- BIEB 121
- BIEB 123
- BIEB 131
- BIEB 135
- BIMM 101
- BIMM 121
- BIMM 170
- BIPN 105
- BIPN 145
Lab Safety Questions & Contact
If you have questions about Undergraduate Lab Safety Training or the Lab Safety Assessment, please carefully review the information above and the frequently asked questions about undergraduate lab course enrollment.
If, after reviewing the information contained on this web page you have additional questions about Lab Safety Training and Assessment, please send a detailed email (including PID, class, and section you are enrolled in) to [email protected].
Questions? Contact Student & Instructional Services (Pacific Hall 1128) through the Virtual Advising Center (VAC) or by phone at 858-534-0557