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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

All programs and initiatives coordinated by the School of Biological Sciences and its units are designed and implemented in full compliance with Proposition 209 and the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy. More information about Proposition 209 can be found here. More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.


Message from the Director of Diversity Initiatives

"Our commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) cannot be merely nominal. It must transcend the realm of rhetoric and become an integral part of our identity within the School of Biological Sciences..."

View Full Message

Torrell Foree

Message from the Director of the Center for Empathy and Social Justice in Human Health

Gentry Patrick, Director of the Center for Empathy and Social Justice in Human Health

Gentry Patrick, Director of the Center for Empathy and Social Justice in Human Health

In Chancellor Pradeep Khosla’s Strategic Plan for UC San Diego, Diversity is listed as a top priority. The Plan cites as a goal;

Cultivating a diverse and inclusive university community that encourages respectful open dialogue, and challenges itself to take bold actions that will ensure learning is accessible and affordable for all.

In alignment with Chancellor Khosla and his vision for UC San Diego, the School of Biological Sciences considers Diversity as paramount to our success. It is a culture that creates a foundation of respect and provides for vision and innovation within our Division. We believe that diversity and academic excellence are not divergent, but rather greatly depend on each other.

Maintaining an Ethical and Inclusive Culture

All members of the School are expected to create and foster a culture of safety, respect and inclusivity, to comply with Regents Policy 1111 (Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct), to cultivate a healthy environment consistent with the University's Principles of Community and the Faculty Code of Conduct. Chairs work with the Faculty and Dean to prevent violations of University policy and respond to allegations of harassment, policy violations or abusive conduct (as defined by Assembly Bill 2053, University policy and the Department Chair's toolkit) consulting with staff in Academic Personnel Services, the Division of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, and Student Conduct as needed. All members of the School are responsible for promptly reporting allegations of harassment and discrimination based on a protected category to the Title IX Officer at the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination, including both direct disclosures and when learning of disclosures made to others. Chairs, faculty and supervisors are designated reporters and are required to report these matters.

If you or another member of our community are experiencing issues that conflict with these policies, please consult with your chair, dean, supervisor, or one of the campus resources on the Getting Help through Campus Resources page.

Information Regarding Expressive Activities on the UC San Diego Campus

UC San Diego is committed to fostering freedom of expression and the free exchange of ideas, while also protecting student, staff, faculty and other academic employees’ rights to safety and access to the benefits and opportunities of the campus.

Visit the Expressive Activities Information page for additional information.


Madeleine Duquette and Elizabeth Villa in laboratory

Madeleine Duquette and Elizabeth Villa Awarded HHMI Gilliam Fellowship

Innovative program was established to recognize mentorship and diversity in scientific training

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute has named UC San Diego School of Biological Sciences Graduate Student Madeleine Duquette and Professor Elizabeth Villa as recipients of a 2024 Gilliam Fellowship.