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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

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Saltman Quarterly


Students have an opportunity to publish research in UC San Diego's award-winning, peer-reviewed undergraduate biological research journal. The Saltman Quarterly is one of only two undergraduate journals nationwide that features original undergraduate biological research. Undergraduates may submit research manuscripts, formal scientific papers, and brevias for upcoming volumes of the annual publication. Submissions are accepted fall and winter quarter for a spring quarter release.


SQ Online, launched in the 2013-14 school year, aims to be a hub for undergraduate biology majors to interact as a community. We publish student-interest pieces including profiles, student blogs, campus research & resources in a variety of formats. SQ Online encourages dialogue and camaraderie amongst students.

Student Research Showcase

The Student Research Showcase is an annual poster session that occurs during Spring Quarter. Biology undergraduates and Masters students are invited to present a poster based on research they are conducting while at UC San Diego. At the showcase, students are expected to present their research to attendees and faculty judges. Top posters receive awards at the conclusion of the event.

It is a great opportunity to make connections with faculty, practice communicating science to the public, and network with fellow students. The showcase is open to the public and faculty, staff, students, and even industry representatives come to check out the research our students are conducting.

There are a limited number of spots available, so register early.